Why study with Pathways?
Pathways Psychology Institute is a boutique institute offering small personalised counselling classes, taking students step by step through the journey of self discovery and professional development, since 2008. Training students to become effective, compassionate professional counsellors, changing lives using the skills they learn.
Pathways' courses centre around a deep understanding and respect for each individual’s learning experience, and the importance of training professionals to be able to work with many established mainstream counselling modalities as well as holistic psychotherapies such as art therapy, role play, trauma therapy, mindfulness awareness. Undertake a course through Pathways and you will embark a journey of self discovery; challenging you to expand your world view, as you begin to see so much more in everyday communications. You will develop the professional skills to work in an established agency or in independent practice.
Counselling is a rapidly growing industry, the demand for qualified skilled counselling psychotherapists is rising. Our courses remain up-to-date with latest developments in psychological theory as well emerging fields of science including Quantum physics, self-organising systems and chaos theory. Many findings from diverse explorations all contribute to a new map of psychology by which to understand ourselves, our clients and our organisations. In addition to covering all the basics of counselling practice adhered to by professional counsellors, our courses emphasise the innovative findings of Process Oriented Psychology (developed by Dr Arnold Mindell and colleagues). We support our students to develop their own awareness both personally (inner work techniques) and professionally. Building on a strong foundation in basic counselling skills, we take our students on a journey in which we explore many ways of working with both our client’s conscious intentions, as well as appreciating those tendencies which defy their goals.
Our courses offer practitioners the means of noticing the unique ‘awareness style’ of each client, and the understanding of how to use this ‘inherent pathway’ to design the most effective approach in each situation. This method of psychological counselling is adaptive and resilient to diverse client groups and a wide array of client presentation circumstances. Our students all have extensive supervised practice in applying the skills they are learning.
Explore WHY our course is so special and unique, OR sroll through REAL clips from classes which give a valuable insight into the course and Processwork.